I know better, why don’t I do better? Have you ever asked yourself this question? As we accumulate experiences we often find that some of our thoughts and actions are contradictory, don’t serve our actual intentions and end up sabotaging our best efforts at realizing the happiness and satisfaction that we desire.

Have you ever watched in horror as your mouth opened and you once again ruined your appearance at a meeting or chance encounter that you would very much have liked to have turn out differently? Have you ever set in motion thoughts that have spoiled a relationship or sown trouble and unhappiness even though that was not your intention?

Or the big ones, like trying to end a habit, or start and keep to a new diet or just plain turning over a new leaf and finding that the you that sincerely wants to succeed is in competition with the you that wants to do something else.

The reason for those frustrating disasters is that over time our self-image, that is who we imagine our self to be, has accumulated contradictory truths and those truths can often pop up even when we don’t want them to or even after we no longer subscribe to them as true. Think about it for a second. Everything, every single thought that we entertain, for each of us  is true. We don’t think false thoughts. That is, every thought rising up in our mind is true for us for as long as we subscribe to it or give our attention to it.  We can of course change our mind but then that thought becomes true for us and so on.

Our ability to create truths in this way has given us an evolutionary edge that has landed us in the position of being the top predator on our planet. Our ability to Imagine true solutions gives us the power to analyze situations and project likely outcomes and in so doing helping to make decisions that will help to insure our survival in a world and universe that powers itself by eating itself.  Unfortunately, something has gone wrong and the power of the human imagination that was intended to be a survival tool now threatens our species and our planet.  That may seem like a pretty scary thought to our self-centered imagination but our real and original self, the consciousness that our imagination rises up and is reflected within has no fear or problem with the way that it powers itself and though it is on our side, it is on everything and everybody’s side and will allow us to trash our world and destroy our species.

That said, because it is on our side it is trying every possible means to get us to return our imaginations to their original condition of freedom, wonder and joy in life.  Because we are free agents or at least we imagine that we are free agents the maintenance of our mind and our world is up to us. If we don’t choose to do the work of straightening out our imaginations it won’t get done.

There have been many prototypes that have come before our species but so far humans seem to have the most powerful suite of sensory and mental capacities suitable both for survival of our species but also for savoring the joy of being alive together on this stunningly beautiful water and garden world.

This site is intended to promote the kind of “Mental Hygiene” that will reveal the original conscious core of the mind and release the freedom and joy that the human form is capable of enjoying in all things.

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